Expressionism- Experimental Media Class Assignment

Introduction to Experimental Film

The Experimental Media course started with a lecture on introduction to Avant-Guard and Expressionism. Some features of Experimental film were also taught, such as that it is non-narrative, non-collaborative, technological advancement, and repetitions of footage. 


Then the course moved on to Expressionism. It is a style of painting, music or drama in which the artist or writer seeks to express emotions rather than impressions of the external world. Expressionism defines art as successfully communicating of unique, individual feelings of the artist to their audience. The purpose of art in expressionism is not to make humans smart but make them have more humane qualities. 

During the lecture, I watched some videos to get the gist of what expressionism really is and was given a small assignment to do at home and was given a couple days to shoot and edit the assignment in the next class. In the assignment, I had to choose 2 to 4 emotions and show them in a non-conventional way. I chose to shoot anger, denial, desire and fear. 

I shot the clips at home with some help from family members and the whole shooting process took me two days as I had to shoot at a bookstore as well. 

This is the final assignment video I edited on Adobe Premiere Pro



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