Editing Report

Aspect Ratios

For this task I had to make sequences with ratios of 1:1, 16:9, 9:16 and 4:5. Aspect ratios are important as it affects how our video or photograph will be composed.  For this task, I shot some videos and use Adobe Premiere Pro to make these sequences.


Type of Shots in Editing

·      Extreme long shot. 

·      Long shot.

·      Mid-shot or medium-shot. 

·      Close-up. 

·      Extreme close-up.

·      High-angle. 

·      Low angle.


Public Service Message/ Voiceover

For this task, I had to make a public service message on a topic and I chose the topic of Depression. I shot some of the footage by myself with a help of a few friends and I also took some stock footage to enhance my project’s message. After getting the footage combined and ready, I had to record a voiceover and explain the context behind the footage.


In this task, I was taught how to make an ad of any product and learn how to use the keyframing technique to make my ad animated. I took the .png of the cake online and work with it.  As it was my first time trying to make an animated ad with Adobe Premiere Pro, I faced a bit of difficulty with the keyframing in the beginning but finally learned the jest of it. 

Freeze Frame 

For this task, my class and I had to individually shoot and merge a video for a group project and we chose to do a replica of the Brooklyn 99 intro. I learned how to incorporate a .png made from photoshop, in a video and use the keyframing technique to make a personalized freeze frame.


In this task, I had to shoot a creative video and assemble it in a reel form, a 1:1 ratio. I had chosen the concept of a dog’s day as my narrative for the video and assembled the video in Adobe Premiere Pro and added background audio to the video to add an emphasis on the idea.

Type of Cuts in Editing


For this task, I had to shoot multiple videos, merge them and add in-camera transitions that would make the video have a looping effect on it. This project was done in Adobe Premiere Pro and I had to make sure the transition looked immaculate so I tried to make sure the lighting of the surround had less to no effect on the merged videos. 

Cutting on Action 

For this task, I had to come up with a creative idea and shoot a video in that I could use transitions on. This was my first attempt using transitions and I learned how the transition effects can be used to enhance the creativity of my video.

Jump Cuts 

In this task, I had to shoot and merge a video of a few seconds and get the effect of multiple jump cuts. I made a 2-second jump cut video with some help and with an already-learned way of using transitions I was able to quickly edit the videos I shot. 

AD Final Project 

For this task I had to make an ad, I could either come up with my own idea or replicate an already existing ad. I decided to replicate a lays chips ad but with a bit of my own touch. To shoot this ad I spent about 40 minutes and shot the Ad on my phone, I also asked for help from a friend who would act as the main character in the ad and I also asked my classmates to help me shoot a part of the ad where there is a group of friends. This ad took me a while to edit on Adobe Premiere Pro as I had to learn how to edit split screens for the first time. 


The ad link is https://youtu.be/p-xbGHitTsQ .


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