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Process Of the Project--- Innovation and interference

  Process Of The Project Materials I used: Before I began the starting phase of my project I decided to measure the sizes of blocks and cardboard I would need for the project. Once the sizes were taken and I bought the main materials, I started making my first frame, the art gallery one. The first hurdle I had to face was how to make sure that the clay models stayed stable on the block in shape. But then another issue occurred which was the fungus on each model. Every time I made a model and waited for it to get dried so I could paint it, fungus attacked it. But then I placed it in the other room hoping it would be safe.  I waited for each frame to dry so I could paint on it. my main hurdle was showing the difference in each character's emotions. After deciding which character's emotions should be most prominent, I painted each frame. Another hurdle for me was to make sure that each frame was painted properly, there were places where my paintbrush could not reach but I tried to

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Concept for Fields and Frames- Innovation and Interference Project