Documentary Pre-Production Pack

 Documentary Treatment


Working Title: Their Right by Saba Pasha


Genre: Short Documentary


Duration: 5 to 6 minutes


Target Audience: People who buy branded products 


Summary: This documentary is made to show how people perceive brands to be of better quality than those that are at a cheaper rate, without even checking their quality at all. And when they do get a better-quality cheaper product, they bargain to buy it at half price not caring about the issues the shopkeeper will face if he is not given the full amount. 


People do not realize that even though quality matters, the pricing matters much more so if you are getting a product at a higher price that does not specifically mean that it would be of better quality. 


In this documentary, I will tackle the idea of bargaining and consumerism along with the financial and economical rights of lower-income shops and the workers there.


Characters: A street shopkeeper, Branded shop employees and customers searching for clothing items. the interviewees will be a customer and as well as a street shopkeeper.


Acts: The documentary will start with a view of Centaurus Mall and from there a view of a street shop stall will be shown, with a voiceover telling the audience how people treat the concept of shopping and bargaining. A local market will be shown from a medium angle and where clothing items will be shown. This will be shown as a small montage as the voiceover goes on. 


Then an interview with a customer inside a branded store will be shown I will be asking her about the culture of shopping and bargaining and how according to her bargaining affects the street shopkeepers. While the interview is going on, I will show footage of the branded store along with the street shop in which people are checking the clothing items they would want to buy. All of this will be shown from both medium close-up shots and long shots.

After the interview, another voiceover will begin in which there will be an emphasis on why customers shop in the branded store and bargain in the street shops. The emphasis will be on the quality of the clothing items in both places. 


Then an interview with a street shopkeeper will be shown from a medium close-up shot and in this interview, I will ask him why customers bargain and what are the negative effects of it on the street shops. After this, I will show how he works at his stall.

Their Right (Storyboard)





Shooting Equipment

Camera: Nikon D3200 DSLR with Microphone

Tripod: Sony 




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