Portrait Task 2 Photo Manipulation Final Project


The history of photo manipulation can be linked back to the 1800s when photographers such as Henry Peach Robinson and Katsushika Hokusai began to use objects to try to manipulate their photography through which different perspectives could be created. 

For this project, we had multiple classes in which we were taught how to use photoshop tools such as selection tool, magnetic lasso, stamp tool, dodge tool, burnt tool, blending tool and gradient tool etc. we also practised using these tools in class so that we could be prepared for the final project. 

When the project began we were told to find different pictures that could be used as our inspirations and we could use manipulating techniques to copy the idea or get inspiration from it. 


For this task, I chose images from online and tried to either recreate them or create something way different but within the limit of inspirational images. When I was searching for inspiration, I wanted to find something that would be unique and would match my personal taste.

The pictures I had chosen to be my inspirations are below.

My Work

 Photo Manipulation based on Inspiration 1 

To make this picture I used magnetic lasso so that i could layer the camera and the footpath separately on the background. I also layered the forest picture behind the camera. 

                                           Photo Manipulation based on Inspiration 1 

To make this picture I used magnetic lasso tool to separate the train track from the camera and placed it on the background i also used the burnt tool to darken most of the parts of the track. I also used the object selection tool and brush tool while working on the copying the selection of the house from a different picture.  

                                          Photo Manipulation based on Inspiration 2

To make this picture I used the magnetic lasso for the selection of the island and I also used object selection tool for the aquatic animals and the pirate ship. I also darken the image by  decreasing the brightness to a certain limit and also by using burnt tool. 

                                             Photo Manipulation based on Inspiration 3

To make this picture I used magnetic lasso to make the selection of the dinosaur and the cliff and for the selection of the person I used object selection tool and applied the fog through the same tool as well.

Self Evaluation

Before this task began I had no prior knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and how to use it but I was keen on learning how to use it. I always had an interest in knowing how to manipulate pictures in photoshop and had seen other people's manipulation work on the internet. I had always been interested in creating any form of Art and while using Photoshop, in the beginning, was tough, practising and implementing the techniques I had been taught on the final project made me enjoy the idea of further learning more of its tools and techniques. 

Behind The Scenes


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