Photozine---Portrait Final Assignment


For the Photozine Task, I chose three options which were
  1. Product
  2. Landscape
  3. Fashion


Product Shoot Inspiration

Since the Product Shoot category was my first choice attempt, I chose three inspirations, Maxim Hopman, Ashley Dyar and Karl Taylor. 

I chose Maxim Hopman as an inspiration because although he is relatively a new photographer his work does not only contain product shoots, he has branched out to sports photography and food photography. I have also chosen him as an inspiration because of how he shoots product photography, he is from Amsterdam and I found his profile on Unsplash an online website and immediately got inspired by the way he used the lighting.

Inspiration 3

I chose Ashley Dyar as an inspiration while searching for one on Flicker and due to how she had placed the products and the way the lighting enhanced her products' qualities and the shadows that could be seen. Ashley Dyar is from Indianapolis and not only shoots product photography, but she also takes abstract photography along with portrait photography. 

Inspiration 1
Inspiration 4
                                                                           Inspiration 2

I also chose Karl Taylor as an inspiration through Instagram because his work is quite unique compared to the photographers I had seen while browsing the internet. He uses props while also making sure that the actual product is prominent. He also shoots portraits but his work is very vibrant, he uses paints and coloured water splashes to enhance the concept. Although his work is quite edited it shows professionalism and creativity. Karl is an American Photographer who also teaches photography which is linked on his Instagram bio. I chose this specific picture as my inspiration because according to me the picture showed diversity and equality as we can see the hands of different skin tones holding sunglasses. 
Inspiration 5

Landscape Shoot Inspiration

After the Product Shoot, I decided to opt for landscape shoot. For inspiration, I chose more than one photographer; Dmitry Mishin, Tobias Tullius, Grigory Konovalov, Inna Trifonova and Asbin Ashok. 

I chose Dmitry Mishin as an inspiration because although he does other types of photography, his landscape photography is the best I have seen so far. He is a freelance photographer and also travels to deserts to shoot some landscape. I found his profile on Unsplash and was immediately fascinated by how he took the picture below which became my inspiration. 

Inspiration 2

Tobias Tullius is a German photographer and I chose him as an inspiration because I liked how he chose the subjects for his pictures. His pictures does not seem as if they are taken randomly but more as if there is a story behind them. He shoots pictures of almost everything, from animals to people to even nature. I found his profile on Unsplash and decided to take him as an inspiration. The picture below that I chose as an inspiration quite intrigued me because of how beautifully the landscape had been shot by Tobias.

                                                                          Inspiration 4

Grigory Konovalov is a Russian photographer that I found while searching for an inspiration on 500px. I chose him as an inspiration because of how he specifically shoots landscape that either has building or has complete nature. He is completely a landscape photographer and does not duelve into other types of photography. I chose the picture below as an inspiration because although the picture has complete greenery you can still see a glimpse of road and to me it gave an idea that whether it seems as if there is no route to take, you will always find a way. 

 Inspiration 3

Inna Trifonova is a Russian photographer who I found while searching for a landscape photographer on 500px. She is not only a landscape photographer but has duelved into other types as well, and also takes pictures of animals, flowers, buildings and portraits of people as well. The picture below became my inspiration because although the picture had greenery the emphasis was also on the distant view that seemed as if its an ocean but when viewed properly we can see that it a flat green land.

Inspiration 5

I chose Asbin Ashok as an inspiration through searching on 500px as well. He is an Indian photographer who also takes portraits, animal photography and landscape photography. What made me chose him as an inspiration for the task was how his camera work was when it came to capturing landscape. He shows his creativity in his work by capturing images with a different setting and atmosphere. The picture below is the one I took as an inspiration because of how pleasing it looked and how well shot it was.

Inspiration 1

Fashion Shoot Inspiration 

After I was done with Product and Landscape shoot, I decided to do indoor fashion shoot. When it came to deciding inspiration I chose around 5 different for this portion of the task as well;, leonfuertigfotografie, georgina.creative, d.a.d_pixel and Jayson Hinrichsen. 

I chose which is an Instagram page owned by Alexa from Germany, as an inspiration because I was gravitated towards how she used lighting to elevate the features of the models and the clothing as well. Although she has stated her self as a wedding photographer on her Instagram, she also takes fashion photography and I have chosen the picture below as an inspiration because I liked how the lighting was emphasising on each part that had been captured and how sharp the image had brought the subject out. The model she used in the shot is Ayla, (@_aylala_ on Instagram)

Inspiration 1

Leonfuertigfotografie is an Instagram photography page owned by Leon Furtig from Germany. Besides Fashion photography he also shoots portraits and landscape photography. I chose him as an inspiration because I like the angles he shoots him and how he uses his creativity to make the shots stand out. He works with natural lighting as well as studio lighting. I like how he makes the subject clear whether the background is blank or has LED lighting. I chose the picture below as an inspiration because I liked how the light was facing the model's face while also making him stand out due to the angle of the image. The model Leon used in the shot is Karlin. (@karlin on Instagram).  

                                                                            Inspiration 2

While searching for a fashion photographer on Unsplash I found Jayson Hinrichsen and chose him as an inspiration. He is an Iowa based photographer and has been doing photography for four years. I chose him as an inspiration because I liked how he shows his creative side through the lighting he uses, most of his work contains different lighting. from spotlight to rambrand to LED. His creativity shines both indoors and outdoors. I chose the picture below as an inspiration because I liked how the model was sitting and how the photographer gave the image a cozy feel. 

Inspiration 3

d.a.d_pixel is an Instagram photography page owned by Jackson M a Tanzania based fashion, portrait and graphic designer. I chose her as an inspiration because I wanted to showcase diversity and the works of diverse photographers. What inspired me to chose her as an inspiration was that she mostly worked with the people who were same race as her, this shows that she is keen on helping diversity grow and spread the message of equality. When it comes to her work what inspired me was how she had her models to pose in a unusual manner and how her models were styled. She worked in a studio and her pictures are creative yet makes it seem as models were enjoying their time getting the photoshoot done. The model that the photographer used in the picture below is Farida Kanda. (@iamwakanda on Instagram)

                                                                          Inspiration 4

georgina.creative is an instagram page owned by Georgina, she seems to be new to photography since there are only 55 posts of her photography on Instagram. I chose her as an inspiration because of how vibrant her pictures turn out to be, she takes product and portrait photography as well and her pictures are bright that enhances the diversity and beauty of the models. Her portraits have coloured backgrounds and she lets her model pose the way it seems suitable due to the limited frame. I chose the picture below as an inspiration because of the specific pose and the studio lighting. The model that the photographer used is Sarah Pkyach. (@pkyach_official on Instagram)

Inspiration 5

Behind The Scenes




Difficulties faced during the task

Product shoot: Since there had already been a product shoot class before this task i knew the exact way product photography is done. After finding the inspirations I had to find products to use, i searched for some products at home and brought them all together to begin the shoot. I also bought white and black chart papers to use as background. During the task the main issue was the lighting, since i was doing the shoot at my university I had to work with the lights that were available there. The available lights were not enough and that impacted my work. However, after editing the pictures i was content with the work i had done.

Landscape shoot: Since my university faculty had taken us to a trip to a hiking track, I knew how a landscape photography should be done. However, the main issue when it came to this task was finding an area where i could shoot. I wanted to go out of town for this task but i was not allowed to hence i had to come up with a new plan to initiate. I decided to go to the mountaineous area in the town and find spots with perfect view according to my inspirations i went to spots around 15 to 25 km before Monal restaurant. This portion of the task was significantly easier since it was an outdoor shoot so I was working with natural lighting. 

Fashion shoot: For this portion of the task I decided to find inspiration that I could do indoors since I had no personal equipment to use outdoors. This shoot was done indoors during the university timings, and the models I used are my peers. Finding the inspirations for this shoot was not easy since i could not find anything that could interest me, hence it took me two days to find inspirations and after that another issue came and that was finding models. Luckily my peers were there for me and helped me with it. Another issue that became a hurdle for me was the availability of the lights in my university, we only had one light to work with since the other had gotten damaged, it became quite difficult for me to take pictures of the models. Thankfully with some help from the people around me I was able to take pictures that could resemble my inspirations. 

My Photozine: Saba's Photozine


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